What to Expect
Let us help you ensure your home is a safe and sound investment.
Before Inspection
You’ve most likely come to this page from your email confirming your inspection date, time, and address. Please ensure that you have signed the inspection agreement and made payment prior to the day of the inspection (our insurance requires both).
If you’d like to pay with cash at the time of inspection, that is fine. You can reply to the email that was sent to you to let us know. (unfortunately, personal checks are no longer accepted). If you notice any issues during your previous visits to the property, let us know so we can give extra attention to those areas. You’ll receive a reminder email the day before your inspection.
If you notice any issues during your previous visits to the property, please let us know so we can pay extra attention to them.
You’ll receive a reminder email the day prior to your inspection.
During Inspection
Inspection of the Property
We will do a thorough inspection of the property starting outside and inspecting the Structure, the Roof, the HVAC, the Drainage systems, the Eves and Soffits, the Windows, the Boundary Walls, the Garage Door, the Exterior Electrical System, Water and Gas entry systems, and all Exterior Doors. We will then move inside and inspect all accessible Plumbing fixtures and do Thermal readings on HVAC performance and Water Heater temps. We will visually inspect Floors, Ceilings, and Walls for signs of damage or moisture intrusion. We will verify safety items like smoke detector placement, fire walls and doors, and stairs and balusters. We will inspect the Garage and Attic for signs of structural issues and Insulation. These items will be photographed and reported on for you to view and discuss with us later.
You are encouraged to attend the Inspection
You are encouraged to attend the inspection for a recap of the deficiencies found with the home. Inspections typically last between 2 and 4 hours, depending on the age, size, and condition of the home. We will schedule our meet-up for the end of the inspection so that we can walk through the property together, discuss what we have observed, and answer any questions you might have. This typically takes about 20-30 minutes.
After Inspection
Inspection Report
You will receive the inspection report by email within 24 hours of the inspection. This email will also include a link to the invoice for your records. The software we use to prepare inspection reports has several tools to help you communicate concerns with your realtor.
Information in the Report
The inspection report will contain a lot of information and typically consists of over 100 pages and 300-400 photos and diagrams. We provide this much information not in an attempt to overwhelm you but to give you as much information about your potential home purchase as we possibly can. It is not uncommon for the inspector to find 30-plus defects in a home.
Sample Report
Sample reports can be viewed by simply clicking the Sample Reports button.